Either way, the author seems to be in my camp about Israel,
this head of J-Street Jeremy Ben-Ami.
I’ll give her credit. My
mommy doesn’t just listen to people who agree with her about issues she cares
about. She likes to know what the
opposition is saying so that she can make up her own mind. And make up her own mine she did with
every page she turned.
Seems that this “A New Voice for Israel” would be more aptly
titled “A New Voice for the Palestinians” and probably wouldn’t bug her as much
had he not touted himself as a faithful Pro-Israel Jew. But like I said, she just got back from
Israel, and is kind of touchy about those who criticize without solutions,
water down Judaism, and speak out of both sides of his mouth.
Example: One of Ben-Ami’s complaints is that the Pro-Israel
lobby casts blame on organizations merely based on the fact that they don’t
like the politics of their supporters.
So J-Street has contributors that the mainstream lobby doesn’t like and
therefore J-Street must be anti-Israel.
Ok, valid complaint. But
then the guy has the gall to turn around and criticize the other side for the
exact same thing. His beef (ah,
beef…. I’d like some beef…must find some beef) is that the right wing
conservative Pro-Israel groups ally with the Christian Right on Israel while
ignoring the fact that they disagree on many other domestic issues. This from a guy that’s advocating
programs with Muslim Americans, setting up rallies for the rights of
Palestinians, and is in bed with donors who seem to only have negatives to say
about Israel despite their self-proclaimed devotion to the country.
Can we say hypocrite? Technically I can’t actually say it,
but I’m thinking it!
Ben-Ami reminds the reader over and over that liberal Jews
are turning away from traditional Judaism and that their voices are being shut
out in the discussion about Israel.
Maybe he’s right, but we disagree with the notion that the solution is
to water down Judaism, creating a “pick-and-choose” religion filled with
alternative rituals, new-agey programs, and services barely recognizable as Jewish.

Like I said, I may not be the biggest fan of Israel, but
perhaps if I could visit it myself, I’d fall in love with the country just like
my mommy did. And maybe Jeremy
Ben-Ami should come with me because I’m not sure which Israel he’s been
visiting all of these years, but it’s certainly not the one my mommy just came
back from.
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